
Contact us

E-mail enquiry form for consumer safety expertise

Almost all CSEN experts are self-employed individuals whose livelihood depends on charging solicitors, businesses or public sector bodies for expert witness reports, specialist advice, consultancy or research. They cannot be expected to offer a service of free personal advice to consumers, free help with student projects or free media briefings.
If you describe, in detail, the problem or type of consumer safety advice you need, we will endeavour to suggest a consultant or expert with appropriate experience for you to contact. However please do not submit an enquiry unless you are willing in principle to pay for consultation at the sort of professional rates you would expect to be charged by a solicitor, accountant or surveyor.

I confirm that I am seeking to engage the services of a professional expert for which (subject to agreement on fees and terms) I am willing to arrange funding at commercial levels (you must agree to proceed to the form)


Any other communications relating to this website should be posted to:

83 Station Road, London N3 2SH,