Search for General Safety Requirement/duties in UK/Europe

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Consumer safety summary profile of expert
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Consultant and expert witness on food safety • TV & radio • Public relations spokesperson • Prosecution & defence • Due diligence defence • HACCP • Investigation of food poisoning • Travel-associated illness • Liaison with enforcement officers • Food allergy • Training • Development of training materials • E-learning • Web audits • Food supply chain management • Food safety management systems

Dr Lisa Ackerley

Hygiene Audit Systems Ltd

Extensive experience of working within the international tour operating industry.   Carried out numerous inspections and audits of hotels and excursions worldwide and dealt with major incidents such as the Indian Ocean tsunami, Caribbean hurricanes, food poisoning outbreaks, cryptosporidium in swimming pools, drownings, coach crashes, hotel fires, outbreaks of legionella and balcony falls. Retail operations, camping and caravan parks, children's clubs. Safety training for staff and managment

Mr Duncan Crutchley-Macleay

Pro Safety International Ltd

Consultant, trainer and expert witness on safety complaince and standards applying to children's clothing. Quality of supply lines, risk assessment, promotional claims, recall procedures, issues with dyes, flamability,mechanical hazards.

Ms Sue Bolton

Consultant electrical engineers and expert witnesses on compliance with EMC requirements, and functional safety of products controlled by electronic systems. Design,training and inspection services.

Mr Keith Armstrong

Cherry Clough Consultants

Food industry consultant on storage, machinery, packaging materials.

Mr Brian Smith

Booth Smith Food Technology

Food industry consultant on storage, machinery, packaging materials.

Mr Brian Smith

Booth Smith Food Technology

Food safety and risk management expert with background in food manaufacturing and 20 years as head of food safety at Sainsbury's. Assessment of management competance, HACCP, quality assurance, treceabilty and due diligence.

Mr Malcolm Kane

Cambridge Food Control

Consultant engineer and expert witness with extensive experience of  standards, design, manaufacture and product specification relating to scaffolds, aluminium towers, ladders, stepladders, stagings and other access products. Expereicne includes designing ladder and staging products for SGB Youngman, member of BS committee and British Ladder Manufacturers Association.

Dr Lewis Santos

Product Solutions