Search for Safety in motor cars. Child car seats. Off-road vehicles.

Experts matched:

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Accident investigation expert witness, specialising in off-road vehicles, motor cycle scrambling, ATV trikes, quad bikes and jet skis, including training, regulation and use.

Mr Colin Arthur Jenner

Combined Managment Services

Designer, consultant and expert witness mechanical engineer with special experience of moving walkways/travelators, escalators, people mover systems and light rapid transit systems, guided vehicles, motorised pedestrian-controlled trolleys and robot handling systems.

Mr Warren S LIster

Listavia Intnl

Consulting engineer and expert witness whose fields include the safety of school/educational laboratory  equipment and the restoration and use of classic and vintage motor vehicles

Mr John Thring

Cycle path and footpath accident investigation. Road use by cycles. Mechanical failure of bicycles.

Mr Stephen Henderson

TRL (Transport Research Labaoratory)

Motor vehicle engineer with experience in trade and test laboratory. Expert witness vehicle safety examinations for civil and trading standards cases.

Mr J W Brooking

Consulting automaotive engineer and expert witness. INpsection of alltypes of vehicle, inlcuding motor homes , caravans, trailers, buses and coaches. Reports for Trading Standards. Car servicing surveys.

Mr D J Ballamy

Consulting motor engineer and expert witness. Examination and reports on all types of motor vehicle, inlcuding licenced taxis. Inspection of caravans. Investigation of air bag deployments.

Mr T J Haigh

 30 years experience of identifying and assessing physical hazards and human factors issues in very wide spectrum of domestic products and consumer facilities. Over a hundred expert witness reports written for injury claims or trading standards cases on issues including causes of accidents, foreseeable child behaviour, warnings or instructions, diligence in supply chain, risk assessments and product recalls. Reasoned interpretations given of general and specific safety expectations, published standards, safety regulations, European Directives and statutory duties of care. Opinions also given where criminal prosecutions or child care proceedings involve disputed assertions of product involvement in injuries.

Eur Ing Dr Gordon Hayward

GH Associates