Search for Noise/ Vibration/ Ultrasonics

Experts matched:

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Cosnulting engineer and expert witness with experience of investigating personal injuries accidnets in fairgrounds, playgrounds and schools 

Mr Alan Jackson

Altech Consulting Engineeers

Industry consultant and expert witness on control of noise from pop concerts and festvals and compliance with licenced limits

Mr David Trevor-Jones

Vanguardia Consulting

Consulting engineer and expert witness whose fields include the safety of school/educational laboratory  equipment and the restoration and use of classic and vintage motor vehicles

Mr John Thring

Expert witness and consultant on noise and acoustics in in nightclubs, stadia, recreation and leisure. Licensing,  nuisance and causation of hearing damage.

Mr Ken Dibble

Noise consultant and expert witness with experience of hearing damage assessments and licencing of public entertainment and pop fesitvals

Mr Alan Saunders