

Consumer safety summary profile of expert
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Clothing flammability consultant and expert witness. On-body flame-testing facilities. Roller boot testing. Chief executive of SATRA

Mr Austin Simmons

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Website articles
• Safety standards and tests for wheeled footwear
• Due diligence
• Taking SATRA expertise to the world
• Demonstrating a commitment to quality
• Taking SATRA expertise to the world
• Ensuring compliance of CE-marked products
• The SATRA Quality Mark Approved Product Award
• Ensuring compliance of CE-marked products
• SID - SATRA Instrumented Dummy
• SATRA’s ISO 9001 scope
• Ensuring compliance with the CPD
• Approved Product Award
• Compression hosiery
• Protective eyewear
• Resisting the rain
• Protective gloves for welders
• Value for money testing
• Health and safety auditing
• Laboratory accreditation for PPE producers
• Flammability testing of car interiors
• Ensuring ongoing conformity of production
• Ethical trading
• Standards for safety footwear toe caps